Spring Bokkie Spring!

1 September 2019
Hello everyone

Finally, spring is in the air…..and I, for one, just like a Springbok, is jumping for joy!  Did you know a Springbok can leap up to 4 metres into the air?  And, apart from the reddish brown Springboks, you also get white Springboks and black Springboks…..the perfect combo for a winning team ….Go Bokke, go !!

It is hunting season and this is the best time for game.  Springbok is in abundance at the moment and here are some pretty tasty Springbok Curry, Goulash, Shank, Leg, etc. recipe ideas:

Springbok Curry
Springbok Goulash
Springbok Shank
Springbok Leg  

Few tips: Go low and slow, in other words, cook at a low temperature, generally speaking, depending on the size, for a couple of hours. Marinate the meat in buttermilk (or Amazi) for 1-2 days before cooking
